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Showing posts from April, 2013


So anyone who knows me knows that I am beyond not fit. With problems with depression and anxiety, I've barely left the house for months, let alone this chair at times. Basically, I feel like a blob that happens to have somewhat working appendages. I've been wanting to exercise and learn to eat properly, but always put it off. Not to mention several bad events happened back to back and I was eating more food than ever because it was comforting. I was spending all day sitting in my computer chair and spending most of my days playing video games, watching videos, sleeping... trying to do everything to distract me from my feelings and keeping them bottled up. Of course, this would only last for a week or so before I'd go through a break down and spend the whole day just crying. I've been seeing on tv, the internet and other places how exercise can greatly help with anxiety to help get out some of that energy that it produces and help focus your mind on something else. Yes